About Us

Who are we?

Mostafa Hazera Global Group, also known as MH Global Group, is dedicated to advancing UK education worldwide. The group collaborates with UK higher education institutions to promote global education through transnational education (TNE), articulation agreements, and student recruitment initiatives.

MHE Global

What do we do?

Annually, over 600,000 international students come to the UK to study, and benefit from flexible entry requirements and the UK's diverse curriculum. MH Global Group is partnered with many UK instituations them with potential students to make sure that everyone is able to access an excellent education if they want to.

MH Global ensures that students, parents and education instituions receive the necessary support that they need to access UK education, both from their home countries or within the UK. We also provide unique project-bsased support, acting as solution hub for our partners, international students, agents and local institutions. With over 12 years of experience, our management team has developed a tried and tested platform to ensure that all stakeholders truly benefit from our services.